carter swartout

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CSE 493 - Deep Learning

Course Website - This course is heavily based off of CS231n - This course will primarily focus on NLP and Computer Vision - Course is multiple parts: - Deep learning fundamentals - Practical training skills - Application - Vision has been one of the drivers of early DL, important to understand the history - Books can be helpful, but not necessary - Gradescope has automatic and private testing - Three psets, one midterm, and a final group project

Lecture 1 - March 28

Lecture 2 - March 30

Lecture 3 - April 4

Lecture 4 - April 6

Lecture 5 - April 11

Lecture 6 - April 13

Lecture 7 - April 18

Lecture 8 - April 20

Lecture 8 - April 25

Lecture 10 - April 27

Lecture 11 - May 2

Lecture 12 - May 9

Lecture 13 - May 11